Friday, July 31, 2015

Current Projects

Lots of fun things in production.

In terms of YouTube, I wanted to share from stills from my current project and my first beauty video! I am not by any means any good at doing makeup properly, but as long as I can put my face on in time before heading out the door, I'm content.

This is also part of a Morning Routine video I filmed, which is more accurately titled "Un bon matin" or "A good morning" because it was really a beautified morning and only barely accurate. I find editing videos as a fun creative outlet because I'm so inexperienced with it. I want to try all the techniques and softwares to achieve different video aesthetics. It's a fun adventure to take for the summer. I wish I started sooner. 

This summer, I have also been kept busy as a communications intern for a few non-profit organizations. 

At The Riverwood Conservancy, I'm currently the social media manager for our upcoming fundraising event in partnership with Animal Services. It's a lot of five-minute-graphic-design and searching up interesting articles on dog ownership to share, as well as the occasional dog-related Buzzfeed infograph. 

Asides from social media, I am also working with their Marketing team to film and edit promotional videos of the endless tasks of the volunteers. These videos will eventually be sent out to sponsors, so I'm hoping to put my best foot forward with them. 

That sums up pretty well what it's like to be a Riverwood Volunteer.

Finally, under the recommendation of  someone I met at a networking event, I am now a communications intern (unpaid) for the Asian Film Fest for the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) this year! 

My first task to beautify one of the power points they'll be sending to sponsors. In a few hours, this is what I have so far. 

Now if only I can get work done when it isn't 4am. 

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