Saturday, August 2, 2014

Mac & Cheese & Friends & Happiness

Something I semi-recently learned how to execute properly was bechemelle sauce which is a white sauce that consists of flour slowly whisked into milk and finished with a shot of butter. Then cheese is added to make a cheese sauce for macaroni and cheese.

This is precisely what occured for a close friend's birthday celebration before she flew off to Quebec for five weeks. Luckily, her birthday fell right before her departure so we were able to prepare a radical dinner together, and wait upon her with French accents and pour her ginger ale into a wine glass.

These are friends who I have known for years now and with some mad stroke of luck, we managed to remain very good friends even over these weird, transitional years without speaking to each other more than a few times a year maybe. Whatever happened I'm thankful for because it means I can still continue to share endless laughs with these people. 

We prepared a macaroni and cheese with sausage and peas; very rich and very delicious. Oddly enough our cooking adventure was also a grocery adventure since we were missing some crucial ingredients to this (such as the pasta itself). This was so worth it though. 

Here's the finished plate! We crushed some croutons to garnish the pasta and made a salad to go with it. 

And here's the beautiful gang themselves. Next time, we're making those snickerdoodles for dinner if we have to.  

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