Friday, November 15, 2013

Apple Chips

Every time I make these, crack cocaine seems to slip into them because they're so addicting. I usually eat half the batch in one sitting easily.

During the autumn, we go through an insane number of apples. This year in particular, my friend's apple tree was quite prosperous and I came home to a bag of apples on my door step one day. These may take a while to bake, but you spend about fifteen to twenty minutes prepping the apples, then leave them to bake for a few hours. If you're anything like me, three hours between social media, Youtube, and "homework" can pass by very quickly. It only takes about six episodes of an anime you need to catch up on.

I sliced the whole apple to try to preserve the star shape in the middle since it looks cool, but it's definitely easier to cute the apples in half then slicing them thinly. Remember to try to cut them evenly so they all bake to the same crispiness. 

After slicing them, sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon over them (on both sides if you'd like) and bake them for two hours at 200F. After the second hour, I turn the oven off and leave them in there to crisp up and cool down real gradually. I would imagine these would be fantastic with caramel drizzled over them. Also, my mom LOVES these since they aren't too sweet. I like to make these for her whenever we have spare apples running amok.

Do you have a particular autumn flavor you gravitate towards?
Apple and cinnamon is definitely the autumn flavor for me. Pumpkin spice is too strong for me and call it main stream, but I would kill for a warm slice of apple pie any day.

I'll see you in tomorrow's post.

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